Round 1 Night 5 - Fairhaven

Left to Right: Tyler Boeh (2nd), Debbie Wootenl (3rd), Dylan Mandlsohn (1st), Nicholas Anthony (5th) (not pictured: Damonde Tschritter (4th)
Photo by Peter Greyy
As Northwest Washington residents and many regional comedians know, The Fairhaven Pub and Martini Bar is not the boite its name would imply, but a nice big room with a nice big stage that is home to a long-running Sunday comedy night. The audience was great, the one drunk belligerent moron either left or was kicked out early, and a good time was had by most.
Plus Production Associate Peter Greyy kindly drove the staff in his Subaru Outbook through heavy rain, and we got to play "name that tune" with obscure 80's songs covered by even more obscure bands.
But you don't care - you want results!
1. Dylan Mandlsohn
2. Tyler Boeh
3. Debbie Wooten
4. Damonde Tschritter
5. Nicholas Anthony
Damonde is not pictured above because he left early, perhaps for a shot at sleeping in his own bed in Vancouver BC, a mere hour away yet - a whole other country.