Night One: Liberty Theater

Photo by Peter Greyy,
Any comedy show that opens with Heneghen and ends with Ty Barnett, fresh from the TV show, "Last Comic Standing" is going to be a good show. We had that and 16 great contestants in between. It's opening night of the Seattle International Comedy Competition.
The Seattle Comedy Competition historically opens on the first Wednesday of November - this year, for the first time in memory, that was November 1, Dia de los Muertos, the day after Halloween. The big mystery - would we draw a crowd?
We did. Plus, we got to do the show with Tom Neumann's fabulous Halloween decorations still in place, including what staff member Peter Greyy referred to as "the big creepy tree" on stage. Fake flames in sconces on the walls. We did, however, ask that they take down the motion-sensor-operated moaning ghost.
Other than some brief technical difficulties up front, stemming from a dropped cordless mic, the show went great, nice crowd, press In The House (News Tribune and Seattle Weekly). The crowd arrived early, stayed late, and hung in there the whole time.
All in all - a great start.
The top five for the night are:
1 Tyler Boeh
2 Dylan Mandlsohn
3 Geoff Brousseau
4 Jason James
5 Nicholas Anthony
From Wally: "I have a quick question for the people of Puyallup. The Puyallup Police put out a very nice sign to give people tips on how to prevent your car from being stolen. The car featured was a Hummer. I would think of all the cars you could feature that might be stolen, the Hummer has to be near the bottom of the list. It's a fine car, but who can afford the gas?"