Night 4 - Aplogies to Reinitz Who Rocked

L to R Dylan Mandlsohn (5), Daniel Carroll (3), Dave Reinitz (2), Geoff Brusseau (1), and Tony Daniel (4)
Photo by Peter Greyy
Please ignore all previous versions of this log.
Yes, this is "Take 3" because the content-management system is being a little hinky, as is the correspondent's brain.
Said correpondent is apparently the only member of the staff awake at the moment, and so this report wil undoubtedly be temporary, or, at the very least, heavily revised.
That's my story about why I unintentionally dissed Dave Reinitz, who rocked the house last night - in searching my dusty brain I kept asking myself why Dave Reinitz didn't place, after the killer set that he had.
The answer, some 5 hours later, was of course that he not only place, but place 2nd for the night
Congratulations and apologies to Dave, and to Tony Daniel, who placed 4th, rather the 5th place finish I attributed to him.
We could not have asked for a better working environment than the main showroom of CHAC, the Capitol Hill Arts Center, a multi-level flexible performance space with a professional staff, a great bar downstairs, a big, smart, patient theater-going audience, and Crave, possibly Seattle's best-smelling restaurant.
Full house, great show. An crowd whose individual attention spans appear to average well more than 15 seconds in duration. 2+ hours of comedy, and they were still in the mood to howl with laughter at Douglas Gale's brilliant "Voters' Guide," which he kindly presented whilst we added up the scores.
Ah, yes, the scores. That's why you're here, isn't it? Well, apologies again, because I don't have the paperwork in front of me and am relying on my own somewhat faulty memory, and because we won't have the opportunity to recheck the math until much later in the day. So, unofficially, and somewhat inaccurately:
1. Geoff Brousseau
2. Dave Reinitz
3. Daniel "Homeboy" Carroll
4. Tony Daniel
5. Dylan Mandlsohn
Sorry again, Dave and Tony. And, of course, the caveat that we haven't triple-checked the scoring and won't be able to until Wally wakes up, which might be Tuesday.