Finals Night 2 - Comedy On Damonde

Photo by Peter Greyy
Our only regret is that we didn't have a film crew at this show. Or a second show. Literally hundreds of people turned away. Let's do this one every night. Forever.
This show is the first of a 3-show comedy season at the Kirkland Performance Center- followed by New Year's Eve and Valentine's Day.
If you couldn't get it, you can join us today at 2 at the Historic Everett Theatre. Or help us welcome in 2007 (can't get rid of 2006 soon enough, myself). Except for this competition, of course. I wish it would never end.
Anyway, Damonde "Long Form" Tschritter most pleased the very diverse group of judges, who included a 20-something sketch comedian, a former editorial cartoonist turned politician, and an ex-Tibetan monk, among others.
But this is such a strong, evenly-matched field (of funny skinny white guys), if you'd have asked the audience, you most likely would have gotten five different answers.