Seattle International Comedy Competition

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2010 Contest




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Comedy Underground

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Sat, Dec 31, 2005 - 08:00 PM
New Years Eve, Kirkland Performance Center

New Years Eve, Admiral Theatre, Bremerton

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Vashon Theater, Vashon Island

Saturday, November 19, 2005 - 11:36 PM

For the fourth night of the Semi-Finals, we took the show to the Vashon Theater on Vashon Island. The Competition has never been to Vashon before, which has been a huge oversight. This was a wonderful show to a packed audience.

The unofficial top 5 for the night are:

1. Erica Sigurdson
2. Sadiki Fuller
3. Heneghen
4. Lamont Ferguson
5. Jy Harris

Giant showrooms are nice, but we've been missing playing the bars, so tomorrow, we're heading back to a bar for a night or two. Please join us at Jimmy Jacks in Everett or the Comedy Underground in Seattle to close out the Semi-FInals. It will be a really great show.

- Wally Glenn