Seattle International Comedy Competition

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Lucky Eagle Casino, Rochester

Saturday, November 19, 2005 - 04:27 AM

lucky eagle top 5

Twenty miles south of Olympia, you find this little slice of comedy heaven in the form of the Lucky Eagle Casino in Rochester. We have been coming here for years and like the Skagit last night, it is always an enjoyable experience. At the Skagit Casino, we had a huge crowd with over 450 people in the showroom. At the Lucky Eagle, it's almost double that number. They came to laugh, we came to do comedy and the results were just great. Special thanks to Mike Wally Walter for always making us feel welcome.

Top Five

The top 5 comics at the Lucky Eagle were:

1. Heneghen
2. Lamont Ferguson
3. Dave Metcalfe
4. Erik Griffin
5. Sadiki Fuller


The only weird quirk was the programs. At every show we hand out a program. It's a simple page with the dates of the shows in that round, a list of the comics with a headshot and a link to this Web site so people can follow along at home. So far we have had no problem handing them out. But tonight, people at first refused to take them. I'd ask them, "would you like a program?" 'Oh, no thanks,' they would reply. "Please, take one," I would say, "it's free!" Once they heard "free" they reluctantly took them.

Then the thought hit me. Could I have actually gotten away with selling these to people? I had visions in my head of making a small fortune on the publishing of a white flier. Maybe next time we should put a KENO card on the thing as well. Nobody runs from a KENO card.

Return of the Heneghen

Just to prove Lamont Ferguson is not the only contender, Heneghen came back with a win tonight in front of a crowd of over 700 people.

Every night when we tabulate the scores, Heneghen grabs a sheet and starts to analyze the results. Generally behavior likes this has brought down many a comic who over-analyzes the results and psyches themselves out of the running. But Heneghen is a numbers man. He seems to have found a way to take it all in and make it work for him in a positive way.

- Wally Glenn