Previous Winners
Previous winners of the Seattle International Comedy Competition include:
2009 Sean Kent
2008 Tommy Savitt
2007 Marcus
2006 Damonde Tschritter
2005 Lamont Ferguson
2004 Gabriel Rutledge
2003 Drake Witham
2002 Harrold Gomez
2001 Dwight Slade
2000 Floyd J. Phillips
1999 Darryl Lenox
1998 Ron Osborne [tie]
1998 Joe Vespaziani [tie]
1997 Mitch Hedberg
1996 John McClellan
1995 David Crowe
1994 Tom Cotter
1993 Todd Sawyer
1992 Bill Radke
1991 Kermit Apio
1990 Elliot Maxx
1989 Matt Weinhold
1988 Steve Stajich
1987 Rod Long
1986 Chris Alpine
1985 Peggy Platt
1984 Billy Jaye
1983 Ross Shafer
1982 Gary Larson
1981 Evan Davis
1980 David Silverman