Seattle International Comedy Competition

Toby Hargrave

Toby Hargrave


Toby Hargrave is an award winning actor and comedian that wandered onto the scene in 2001. Since, he has gone onto perform at such notable festivals as the Vancouver Comedy Festival, (where he was voted the funniest comedian in Vancouver) The Halifax Comedy Festival and The Just for Laughs Comedy festival Montreal.

Touring from Coast to Coast through the United States and Canada Toby has proven himself a skilled story teller. He has a wonderful gift for making the audience feel right at home (but not too comfortable). His comedy has universal appeal, Leaving an audience nodding in agreement, feeling "me too!" Or in stark horror "may God have mercy on his heathen soul".

In a world of overly abrasive comedians, Toby is charming and humble. One might even say he is chumble… one might!

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